I love this time of year....things really start getting off the ground (literally)!
It was a little cool recently, but a big rain came through and today was much warmer.
All the seedlings have been moved outside and have been transplanted to
small pots (or in some cases, small pot-shaped things I could find!)
I have tomatoes, either basil or thyme (forgot what I planted), and I believe two types of
peppers (of three possible, either banana, bell, or jalepeno). This is a hodgepodge of seedlings because I planted them whilst finalizing my thesis (defended yesterday, hurray!), so hopefully I'll figure out what's what :) Can't figure out how to get the pic up correctly, else someone could help me!
Two of the planted tomatoes are slowing growing....the sole remain
ing planted cuke is not long for this world I believe though....
....and a few carrot sprouts, finally! I think I'm also going to plant
some bee balm in this pot soon, so I don't have to hand-pollinate everything!
The other two tomato plants aren't moving much and are a little yellow, so I'm worried. The chives and parsley are exploding though! Maybe putting some leaf lettuce or radishes in once the tomatoes get larger and shadier.
Lime buds and flowers!!!
Pepper plants...I read that peppers "sulk" when it gets too cool, so I'm guessing that's what happened with these bells, not much growth.
Finally, my amazing mint plant. I love this
plant--nothing like it to boost a novice gardener's morale!