This time of year is generally pretty warm, but today rain came in and I've barely been able to even have the windows open. What a perfect day to brew some homegrown mint tea!
As I previously posted, my mint has been growing like a weed...which it should, as mint is a weed. This picture does not do it justice, as I've been making cups of tea nearly daily.

I have been trying to keep it as pruned as actually possible, both to make more room on my balcony and to train it to grow up rather than out, so I generally cut sprigs from the sides, rather than the middle.
Boiling water of course.
I usually make tea by the cup, but today was chilly and I felt like using the pretty glass teapot we got at our wedding.
The teapot is especially impressive when brewing fresh mint!

And even prettier when on the teapot warmer!
Yum! Homebrewed mint tea is not as dark or strong as the kind you brew from bags. I love a cup of this clear tea if I've indulged in too much dessert or am stressed out--mint helps with indigestion, headaches, and menstrual cramps, and is just generally delicious. And as it's so easy to grow (hey, I didn't kill mine yet!), why not?